
Ininiwag Dibaajimowag: First Nations Men and the Inter-generational Experiences of Residential Schools

30 Apr 2013

Between 2010 and 2013, six women and seven men produced 2-5 minute digital stories which tell about their experiences of being parented by a survivor of a residential school. The first project, kiskinohamâtôtâpânâsk: Intergenerational Effects on Professional First Nations Women Whose Mothers are Residential School Survivors was a project spearheaded by Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence and the second project, ininiwag dibaajimowag : First Nations Men’s Digital Stories on the Intergenerational Experiences of Residential Schools was done through the Oral History Centre and Indigenous Studies at the University of Winnipeg (funded through the Aboriginal Healing Foundation). 


The men participated in a 5 day extended workshop during February and March every Saturday to discuss, collect and use the Oral History Centre’s resources to create their digital stories. The final stories were debuted on March 21st at Convocation Hall at the University of Winnipeg. This event was attended by many members of the aboriginal community, researchers, students, participants of the current project and previous projects.

Three projects were randomly selected to be featured on the Oral History Centre website. All the other videos created as part of this project are available through the Oral History Centre’s Youtube.