Summer Institute: Nindibaajimomin – Digital Storytelling on the Intergenerational Experiences of Residential Schools

The Oral History Centre, in collaboration with the Department of Indigenous Studies, and funded through the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, is looking for ten participants for the Summer Institute: Nindibaajimomin – Digital Storytelling on the Inter-generational Experiences of Residential Schools. The Summer Institute will cover the legacy and inter-generational experiences of residential schools and use digital storytelling as an educational method to support healing across the generations.
- Educators (K-12 and post-secondary), service providers, front line workers or leaders in Aboriginal communities and/or working with Aboriginal communities across Canada;
- Helpers/Supporters of or survivors of residential schools (those who attended the schools or inter-generational survivors).
All workshops will take place at the Oral History Centre Lab at the University of Winnipeg. Laptops and other technical needs will be supplied. Over the course of the week, you will meet and see the videos of previous digital storytelling participants in Winnipeg. You will learn:
- Elements of Storytelling as part of Oral History
- Storyboarding
- Photo editing – working with images, digital and scanned photos (Adobe Photoshop Elements 11)
- Video editing software – basic video composition & editing _Adobe Premiere Elements 11)
- Audio recording (music and/or voice recording) – editing & enhancementn techniques, sound effects
- Digital storage, protection, protocols & permissions
- How to deliver and implement digital storytelling within home communities/institutes
The registration fee is $150.00. It will be fully reimbursed upon completion of the Summer Institute. Payment is due upon registration. Please make cheque payable to the Oral History Centre, and forward to
Oral History Centre – Digital Story Summer Institute,
515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9.
Please complete the online registration form and submit payment. If you are unable to go to the online form please call our office at 204.258.3809.
For more information and/or to register, please contact:
Roberta Stout or Wendy McNab
Children of Survivors: The Inter-generational Experiences of Residential Schools
Oral History Centre
The University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB. Canada R3B 2E9
Tel: (204) 258-3809
Emails:Roberta Stout or Wendy McNab