Find Your Voice

The Oral History Centre, CKUW 95.9 FM and the Finding Your Voice literary project have partnered to create the Find Your Voice Podcast.
The Finding Your Voice literary project published “The Past is Another Country,” an anthology of stories by New Canadians. The collection represents the experiences of writers from China, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Korea, Macedonia, Nigeria, the Philippines, Poland, Taiwan, and Uzbekistan. The aim of the Find Your Voice Podcast was to produce a series of programs that would feature the stories, experiences, issues and challenges of New Canadians. Four stories from the series are featured on the OHC site.
Podcast Credits:
Produced and narrated by Scott Price
Technical assistance by Kent Davies
Interviews by Nina Singh, Scott Price and Janine LeGal
Project coordination by Nina Singh and Janine LeGal
To read stories of the “Past is Another Country” check for an available copy at the Winnipeg Public Library.
Thank you to the Find Your Voice Podcast participants: Weyni Abraha (Ethiopia), Roselyn Advincula (Philippines), German Cruz Reyes (Mexico), Anne Monzon(Philippines), Brianna Jeon (South Korea), Lucy Kaikai (Sierra Leon), Julia Kim (South Korea), Florence Okwundili (Nigeria), Nathaniel Ondaika (Kenya), and Daniela Petrovski (Macedonia).

Find Your Voice Podcast participants: Weyni Abraha (Ethiopia), Roselyn Advincula (Philippines), German Cruz Reyes (Mexico), Anne Monzon(Philippines), Brianna Jeon (South Korea), Lucy Kaikai (Sierra Leon), Julia Kim (South Korea), Florence Okwundili (Nigeria), Nathaniel Ondaika (Kenya), and Daniela Petrovski (Macedonia)
About this Episode:
Weyni Abraha grew up on the border of Ethiopia and Eritrea in a small village of about 500 people. When she was 13, she was told that she was old enough to take responsibility for herself and her younger brother. She and her brother left Ethiopia for a safer place. They lived in Uganda where they struggled to learn a new language and a new culture, and where they dealt with extreme homesickness. After many years of struggle, their uncle was able to sponsor them to come to Canada in 2007. Currently Weyni is a student at the University of Winnipeg. Her passion includes art and writing stories. She is currently studying international development and hopes to work with the UN or the Red Cross in future.

Episode 1 - Weyni Abraha
About this Episode:
Lucy Kaikai immigrated to Canada in 2004, under a Refugee Family Sponsorship Program. Before moving to Winnipeg, she lived in a refugee camp in the South East of Ghana for seven years. Lucy always seeks opportunities for personal growth and community development. In Sierra Leone, her country of origin, she worked as a volunteer in the Children’s Department of the Korean Presbyterian Mission. While in Ghana as a refugee, she served with the Red Cross in Education and Sports programs. Her volunteer services in Canada have included being a friendly visitor at a personal care home and helping Newcomers with English at the Salvation Army’s Multicultural Family Centre. She is a trained teacher who enjoys homeschooling her two children, preparing nutritious meals for her family, sewing and gardening.

Episode 2 – Lucy Kaikai
About this Recording:
Dr. Nathaniel Chimasia Ondiaka was born in Kenya (East Africa), studied and graduated in the People’s Republic of China, practiced medicine, both conventional and traditional, in Guangzhou (Canton), China and Kenya as well. He is fluent in several languages including Luhya, Swahili, English, Mandarin, Cantonese, French and Japanese. He married Liwen Zhang upon graduating from a medical school in southern China. They have two children, both attending Winnipeg schools. He and the family immigrated to Canada in October 2004 as permanent residents. He is the president of the Kenyan Association of Manitoba, and works with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in addition to acting as a consultant. Kenya is one of the most beautiful countries south of the Sahara endowed with natural wonders and animal species of many kinds.

Episode 3 – Nathaniel Chimasia Ondiaka
About this Recording:
Briana Jeon had a happy life in South Korea. She enjoyed reading, especially fiction which took her into a fantasy world. She loves to look up at the sky with earphones in her ears and follow the planes. One day her parents decided that she needed to know how big the world was. They thought she needed a chance to be close to the world, so they asked her what she thought about moving to another country. She thought that they would move to a country like Australia, America, or England. She never thought she would come to Canada, but she came to Winnipeg when she was 15. She was shocked because she moved to Canada only two weeks after her parents told her. However, she is happy in Canada and is no longer homesick.