
Oral History Forum Special Issue: Confronting Mass Atrocities

03 Sep 2013

The Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is proud to announce the launch of its new special issue, “Confronting Mass Atrocities,” guest edited by Erin Jessee University of British Columbia) and Annie Pohlman (University of Queensland). So far, the following articles and reviews are online:

  • John Roosa: “Who Knows? Oral History Methods in the Study of the Massacres of 1965-66 in Indonesia”
  • Annie Pohlman: “Telling Stories about Torture in Indonesia: Managing Risk in a Culture of Impunity”
  • Sarah E. Watkins: “Review: Genocide Lives in Us: Women, Memory, and Silence in Rwanda”
  • Catherine Baker: “Review: Missing: Persons and Politics” 

More articles will be posted in the following weeks. The Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is the open access journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. For COHA membership information, please visit the Canadian Oral History Association’s website.