Oral History Student Conference, 2014

The third annual Student Oral History Conference was held at the University of Winnipeg’s Oral History Centre on May 31, 2014, giving students the opportunity to share their oral history research research with the public. Each presentation was recorded and is available to listen to below.

Presenters at the Canadian Food History Symposium 2015: Aisha Entz, Emily Nikkel, Madison Connolly Daniel Pastuck and Andrea Guimond.
About this Recording:
In this presentation Carlos Sosa explores the experiences of disability rights activists who were involved in the founding of the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities. In addition project interviewees also talk about their involvement in the creation of Winnipeg’s Handi-Transit system (Winnipeg Transit Plus). Explore more of the MLPD oral history project here.

The Early Origins of the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
About this Recording:
This oral history research by Sally Papso explores how a family past is constructed through storytelling, how the stories are remembered, constructed, created, re-created, negotiated, re-negotiated, and how they help to shape individual and collective identity across generations.

Past Family Memory: Negotiating Stories and Shaping Identities Across Generations
About this Recording:
This oral history research project by Tyler Bugg explores the economic, social and community problems, benefits and changes that have occurred in the small town of Waskada and area due to the drilling for oil.

Boom, Bust and Boom: The Oil Industry in Southwestern Manitoba
About this Recording:
This oral history project explores the history of past and present union activists at CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) Local 1063, which represents workers at the Manitoba Workers Compensation Board. This presentation by Christopher Kshyk will focus on dispelling some of the many of popular perceptions surrounding public sector unionism through the stories and experiences of those involved in the union movement.