
Special issue: Human Rights and Oral History: Stories of Survival, Healing, Redemption, and Accountability.

29 Jul 2014

The Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is proud to announce the launch of its new special issue, “Human Rights and Oral History: Stories of survival, healing, redemption, and accountability,” guest edited by Michael Kilburn. The following articles and reviews are online:

  • Marica Šapro-Ficović: “Libraries Under Siege in Croatia 1991-1995”
  • Musiwaro Ndakaripa: “Ethnicity, narrative, and the 1980s violence in the Matabeleland and Midlands provinces of Zimbabwe”
  • Joannie Jean: “Représentations de soi et positionnement social chez les membres de l’association familles de détenus-disparus à Santiago”
  • Joseph Ben Kaifala, JD: “Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone: Oral History, Human Rights, and Post-Conflict Reconciliation”
  • Sally Carlton: “Rebuilding lives: Interviewing refugee background people in Christchurch three years after the earthquakes”
  • Katherine Fobear: “Telling Our Truths: Oral History, Social Justice, and Queer Refugees”
  • Hannah Loney: “‘This is Me’: Exploring Narrative and Trauma within Women’s Memories of the Indonesian Occupation of Timor-Leste (1975-1999)”
  • Susan M. Glisson: “‘Everything Old is New Again: Storytelling and Dialogue as Tools for Community Change in Mississippi”

The Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is the open access journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. For COHA membership information, please visit the Canadian Oral History Association’s website.