
Salvadoran Voices of Manitoba Crowdfunding Campaign

28 Nov 2015

The Oral History Centre is happy to announce that we have partnered with the University of Winnipeg Foundation to start a crowdfunding campaign for the Salvadoran Voices of Manitoba oral history project.

We are trying to raise $13,000.00 for the first phase of transcribing and
translating (from Spanish to English) oral history interviews with 18
members of the Salvadoran community of Manitoba. Most of them came to
Winnipeg during the civil war between 1980 and 1992.
At a time when we hear many reports about ABOUT refugees, it is important
to learn FROM them directly and to hear about their experiences of life
before the violence as well as of flight and settlement in a new country
and different culture.
Please spread the word about this important initiative!
For more information, or to donate, follow the link!