
Manitoba Food History Project

28 May 2018

The Manitoba Food History Project is a SSHRC-funded oral history project based out of the University of Winnipeg in collaboration with the Oral History Centre. The goal of the project is to produce a comprehensive history of food manufacturing, production, retailing, and consumption in the province of Manitoba from 1870 to the present day.

 The research phase of the project is fairly unique as it features the Manitoba Food History Truck (owned and operated in partnership withDiversity Foods) traveling to different regions of Manitoba so that the project team can conduct life-story interviews with Manitobans while they cook local, historical, meaningful recipes aboard the truck. These oral histories will help to inform business, labour, ethnic, Indigenous, and local histories within the province of Manitoba.

The Manitoba Food History Project Food Truck with Janis Thiessen inside looking out the side service window.

The Manitoba Food History Project is a SSHRC-funded oral history project based out of the University of Winnipeg in collaboration with the Oral History Centre. The goal of the project is to produce a comprehensive history of food manufacturing, production, retailing, and consumption in the province of Manitoba from 1870 to the present day.

 The research phase of the project is fairly unique as it features the Manitoba Food History Truck (owned and operated in partnership withDiversity Foods) traveling to different regions of Manitoba so that the project team can conduct life-story interviews with Manitobans while they cook local, historical, meaningful recipes aboard the truck. These oral histories will help to inform business, labour, ethnic, Indigenous, and local histories within the province of Manitoba.