What could we do with an oral history laboratory?

This week the UWinnipeg Oral History Centre participated in an oral history workshop hosted by the oral history network at Malmö University, Sweden titled ”What could we do with an oral history laboratory?”.
The workshop was led by OHC staff Brett Lougheed, Kimberley Moore, and Kent Davies who gave a presentation on the history, mission, and mandate of the OHC; the facilities and equipment comprising our oral history laboratory; and how laboratories can be used for knowledge transfer and skill development for university- and community-based oral history projects in the democratization of history.
The workshop garnered international attention from representatives of several different universities who are interested in the possibilities that come with an oral history laboratory. The resulting conversation was enriching. It was a pleasure to hear about the many different oral history initiatives taking place around the world.
The OHC is proud to be looked upon as a global leader in this realm. We look forward to continuing the conversation in future with our colleagues at Malmö University and around the world.