The OHC is Re-Opening on Campus

The Oral History Centre is pleased to announce that its facilities will re-open to Members by appointment only beginning Tuesday, September 7th. The OHC will also be re-instituting equipment loans beginning September 13th.
To schedule an appointment to use the lab or recording studio or to borrow equipment, please email Kent Davies. OHC staff will continue to be available for remote or in-person consultations by appointment only.
*Due to the University of Winnipeg’s safety precautions in response to COVID-19, campus access is limited to current University of Winnipeg students, faculty and staff who have proof of vaccination.*
Please note that masks and proof of vaccination are required to enter University of Winnipeg facilities and further safety protocols will be put in place to protect the safety of OHC Members and staff.
University of Winnipeg students, faculty and staff who would like to become Members of the Oral History Centre, can register for the Introduction to Oral History workshop series, which we are offering remotely beginning September 24th.