
Capturing Transgender History

08 Apr 2020

The Oral History Centre would like to congratulate Misha Falk on completing the first phase of the “Capturing Transgender History” oral history project. Misha began the project in 2019, after being awarded the Abe and Bertha Arnold Oral History Grant.

Misha Falk poses for photo in a red cap, black sweater; tan background

Misha Falk (Portrait Provided by the University of Winnipeg).

Working with the OHC along the way, including using equipment loaned by the Centre, funds from the grant were used to cover costs associated with interviewing, including post-processing and transcription. As a result, Jase produced a set of 5 interviews that are archive-ready, and will be preserved in the OHC Archive.  

Read the full UWinnipeg News story about Misha’s work to learn more about their project, and to find the link to their audio blog post about the project. 

The purpose of the Abe and Bertha Arnold grant is to award an individual or group funds toward establishing an oral history project that works to document community histories in relation to areas of inquiry that have been traditionally neglected by scholars. 

We are currently accepting applications for the grant until April 17, 2020.

You can find the application form and criteria on our website.