
The Oral History Centre Classroom and Kitchen: Where Oral History meets Food History

30 Aug 2017

The Oral History Centre Classroom (2B23, Bryce Hall, University of Winnipeg) was transformed into a functioning kitchen over this summer, thanks to an Experiential Learning Fund grant.

For the 2017-2018 academic year, “Advanced Studies in Canadian Social History” will be offered by Dr. Janis Thiessen in this space. The course will focus on Canadian oral and food history, and include both cooking activities and accessible field trips. Students’ final research projects will be digital public history projects on Manitoba food history that incorporate student-conducted oral history interviews.


Four shelves of various cookware: pots, pans, cutlery, cutting boards, bowls, hotplates.
Bag of flour, cornmeal; can of kidney beans and bottle of canola oil.

The Oral History Centre staff will provide their 3-session Introduction to Oral History workshop series to enrolled students for free! OHC will also provide them with free workshops and consultations in digital storytelling, field recording, and podcasting.