The OHC is Re-Opening on Campus

News:   The OHC is Re-Opening on Campus  *UPDATED* The Oral History Centre is pleased to announce that its facilities will re-open to Members by appointment only beginning Tuesday, September 7th.  The OHC will also be re-instituting equipment loans beginning September...

Two-Spirited People of Manitoba Oral Histories

News:   Two-Spirited People of Manitoba Oral Histories Today the University of Winnipeg Archives announced that a new collection of Two-Spirited People of Manitoba Oral Histories is now accessible and available to listen to online. The collection is the result of a...

Aakoziiwigamig: An Ojibwe Radio Drama

News:   Aakoziiwigamig: An Ojibwe Radio Drama A new educational Indigenous language radio show is hitting the airwaves in 2021. Aakoziiwigamig: An Ojibwe Radio Drama will be airing Wednesday, January 13 on NCI FM. The show was collaboratively created by The University...
EPISODE 2: How do we build more resilient cities post-coronavirus?

EPISODE 2: How do we build more resilient cities post-coronavirus?

EPISODE 2: How do we Build More Resilient Cities Post-Coronavirus? Dr. Jino Distasio, Professor of Geography and Vice President of Research and Innovation at the University of Winnipeg has been part of a group of academics from across Canada working to understand how...

Abe and Bertha Arnold Grant: Call for Applications Postponed

News:   Abe and Bertha Arnold Grant: Call for Applications Postponed We have made the difficult decision to postpone our call for applications for the Abe and Bertha Arnold grant to a later date. With the continuing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and accompanying...