Lecture: Dr. Royden Lowen: Horse and Buggy Genius: An Oral History Royden Loewen is the Chair in Mennonite Studies and Professor of History. In that capacity he is also editor of the Journal of Mennonite Studies and director of the Mennonite History Graduate...
Blog: Reports from the Annual Meeting of the Oral History Association; Implementing OHMS: Multi-Institutional Perspectives This article details the OHMS system currently being developed out of the University of Kentucky’s Louie B Nunn Centre for Oral History,...
Blog: Oral History Association Annual Conference: Oral History at the Grassroots Level Members of the OHC attended the OHA Annual Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin. OHC researcher Scott Price presented his project ‘Stand Our Ground’: Life Story Interviews of UFCW Local...
Presentation: Oral History Student Conference, 2014 The third annual Student Oral History Conference was held at the University of Winnipeg’s Oral History Centre on May 31, 2014, giving students the opportunity to share their oral history research research...
Lecture: Dr. Megan Davies: The Inmates are Running the Asylum: Stories from MPA On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 the University of Winnipeg History Department, The Riley Fellowship in Canadian History and the University of Winnipeg Oral History Centre presented, The...
Presentation: Community and Student Oral History Conference, 2013 At the Oral History Centre, Room 2B23, Bryce Hall, University of Winnipeg on Saturday, November 30. The second annual Community and Student Oral History Conference provided student and community...