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Series of interviews in the Oral History Centre Archives have been acquired from a variety of donors including University of Winnipeg faculty, staff and students, OHC Members, and other individuals and organizations in our community.
The OHC strives to ensure that collections in our archive are able to be easily located online (primary through our online catalogue), and accessible in digital formats. However, this is not always appropriate or possible.
It is the Policy of the Oral History Centre to only make interviews (and related materials) openly accessibly online where permission has been granted to do so in an Archival Waiver, or given orally and recorded as part of an interview.
In cases where a narrator has declined to make their interview freely accessibly online, or where online access is otherwise not appropriate, you will be required to submit a request for access and obtain a username and password before you will be able to access the interview, or any related documents.
In the case of older interviews, some of which predate the internet, we have attempted to obtain permission from next of kin to make these interviews freely accessible online. In cases where it was not possible to obtain permissions, we have chosen to complete the interview post-processing and make these records available for consultation by request only. In these, you will need to submit a request for access and obtain a username and password to access the interview. It may be necessary to visit the Oral History Centre to access some collections.
If you have located an interview, or any related records, that you believe do not belong our website, please see our take-down policy for more information on submitting a request to have the records removed.