Blog: Oral History and the Common Good In my last blog post, I wrote about the Oral History Centre’s motto of “democratizing history.” Today, I continue this idea by asking how the notion of the Common Good can help us understand oral history’s democratizing...
Blog: Democratizing History: The Role of Oral History “Democratizing history” is the motto of the University of Winnipeg Oral History Centre. What do we mean? History and democracy are two big ideas that have shaped the modern world. We often see them as static...
Blog: Famed Italian historian Alessandro Portelli discusses Nazi massacre of 335 civilians in Rome Originally published in THE JEWISH POST & NEWS, 21, Wednesday, November 11, 2015. On March 24, 1944, Nazi occupation forces in Rome killed 335 unarmed...
Blog: Price on Labour: Uncovering Manitoba’s Labour Movement On March 29th 1943, workers at Canada Packers in Winnipeg launched a sit down strike over the suspension of one of their co-workers. This spontaneous direct action by Canada Packers Workers was one...
Blog: Reports from the Annual Meeting of the Oral History Association; Implementing OHMS: Multi-Institutional Perspectives This article details the OHMS system currently being developed out of the University of Kentucky’s Louie B Nunn Centre for Oral History,...
Blog: Oral History Association Annual Conference: Oral History at the Grassroots Level Members of the OHC attended the OHA Annual Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin. OHC researcher Scott Price presented his project ‘Stand Our Ground’: Life Story Interviews of UFCW Local...